The last hackathon in my company was dedicated to the cloud and I presented a proposal for testing Juju as the manager of our VNF.
First problem I faced was the lack of support of OpenSUSE (or SLES) in Juju, which is the operating system used by our VNF. After some (well, a lot) of problems, I created two pull request for juju/utils and juju/juju repos and now Juju supports OpenSUSE since Juju 2.2.
For the moment, I tested the manual provisioning and LXD support. It is really simple to test that using LXD containers, as you can see below.
Preparing OpenSUSE image for manual provisioning
First step is to prepare the image. For that, I use the linux containers image:
lxc image copy images:opensuse/42.2 local: --alias juju/opensuseleap/amd64
lxc launch local:juju/opensuseleap/amd64 opensuseleap
The image needs some updates, so we can create a container for updating it:
lxc launch local:juju/opensuseleap/amd64 opensuseleap
lxc exec opensuseleap bash
opensuseleap:~ #
We need to enable SSH server (is disabled by default) and install sudo
and nano
opensuseleap:~ # zypper clean --all
opensuseleap:~ # systemctl unmask sshd.service
opensuseleap:~ # systemctl enable sshd.service
opensuseleap:~ # systemctl start sshd.service
opensuseleap:~ # zypper install sudo
opensuseleap:~ # zypper install nano
We also have to define a password for root and create the .ssh
opensuseleap:~ # mkdir .ssh
opensuseleap:~ # chmod 700 .ssh
opensuseleap:~ # passwd
Finally, it is useful to deactivate the password for root
opensuseleap:~ # nano /etc/sudoers
From our host, we can share host key:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
scp .ssh/ root@
where is the IP address of OpenSUSE container.
And that’s all. Now, we can publish the modified image in our host:
lxc publish opensuseleap --alias opensuseleap-manual --force
Preparing local tools stream
For the moment, OpenSUSE agent is not in the official repository of agents so we have to create a local strem.
First, we need the OpenSUSE agent. The simplest way to generate it is to copy an existing one
mkdir -p simplestreams/tools/released
cd simplestreams/tools/released
cp juju-2.2.0-ubuntu-amd64.tgz juju-2.2.0-opensuseleap-amd64.tgz
and to generate the stream
cd $HOME
juju metadata generate-tools -d simplestreams/ --show-log --clean --stream released
Tools should be available from juju containers and for that, we can use a web server in the host (ngnix
for example).
We copy the stream:
sudo rm -rf /var/www/html/tools
sudo cp -r $HOME/simplestreams/tools /var/www/html
sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/tools
and we will configure juju
for using this stream.
Testing the manual provisioning
For testing, we are going to create a new controller in a host with lxd
and juju
juju bootstrap localhost lxd-opensuseleap
We have to set the URL of tools to point our stream:
juju model-config agent-metadata-url=
where is the IP address of lxdbr0
Now, we ready for adding the OpenSUSE machine:
juju add-machine ssh:root@
We can deploy a charm with opensuseleap
series. I have an example in github:
git clone
cd juju-OpenSUSE/charms
juju deploy ./test-opensuseleap --to 0
The testing charm includes a web server that you can test:
<html><head title="Testing OpenSUSE Charm"></head><body><h1>It works\! From</h1></body></html>
And the juju status shows:
juju status
Model Controller Cloud/Region Version SLA
default lxd-opensuse localhost/localhost 2.2.0 unsupported
App Version Status Scale Charm Store Rev OS Notes
test-opensuseleap active 1 test-opensuseleap local 2 opensuse
Unit Workload Agent Machine Public address Ports Message
test-opensuseleap/0* active idle 0
Machine State DNS Inst id Series AZ Message
0 started manual: opensuseleap Manually provisioned machine
And you ca see, OpenSUSE charm works well.
In a next entry, I will explain how to use LXD
as cloud provider.